Thursday, December 23, 2010

Morgan's Softball Team

Morgan played her first season of Girls Softball at school this fall. This gave me a chance to try out my sports photography, which of course got better as the season went on.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Give Blood

Monday, December 6, 2010

Week Ten-Winter driving

Winter driving can be very hazardous. Especially going over Snoqualmie Pass. The road has places that daylight does not touch. Patches of black ice that catch drivers unawares.

Huge Semi-trucks pass you by at what most think are dangerous speeds.
Ice forming off the side of the road bring smiles to passerby's.

At the summit you are rewarded for your efforts by the sight of ski lifts and winter homes peeking out of the snow topped trees.

Coming down the other side of the pass, patches of sunlight break through the glum.
Just when you think it is clear going you are back into the dangerous winter weather.

Week Nine-Freeway accidents

On my way to school two days after our first big snowfall of the season, I ended up in a traffic backup due to an accident. What amazed me was the amount of cars that passed me by after I had moved over a lane. At least nine cars went by and then wanted to get over when they couldn't go any further because of the accident. Pay attention people, if everyone in front of you is getting over then you should too.

Kaitlin Allen interview by Tricia Lowe

This is the big project I have been working on for the last two weeks. Not bad for my first time.